Sundays at 10:30am



Preparing for Worship on Sunday, October 4, 2015

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Sermon Title: The God Who Reveals

Preaching Passage: Exodus 3-4

This Sunday, we will look at Exodus 3-4 and see how the LORD reveals Himself to Moses, equips him, and sends him out on the mission of releasing the people of Israel from bondage in Egypt.

Songs we'll sing together include:

"O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" by Glasser & Wesley (YouTube)

"God is Able" by Fielding & Morgan (YouTube)

"Behold Our God" by Altrogge & Baird (YouTube)

"Speak, O Lord" by Getty & Townend (YouTube)

"Your Great Name" by Nordhoff & Neale (YouTube)

See you Sunday morning!