Sundays at 10:30am



Preparing for Worship on Sunday, February 1, 2015

Church Matters Banner-01

Sermon Title: Baptism

Preaching Passage: Colossians 2:8-15

"Church Matters" is a sermon series in which we will explore five important aspects of our church's worship and practice. Those five topics are worship, baptism, the Lord's Supper, church discipline, and giving. As we explore each of these important subjects, we will go to Scripture to ask ourselves some questions about each of these matters, questions like: What is it biblically? What is its significance theologically? What does it look like practically lived out and displayed in our church's life and worship?

This week, as we look at Colossians 2:8-15, we'll explore the significance of baptism as a picture of our slavation and union with Christ. We'll also see how baptism, which is commanded for all followers of Christ, serves as our entrance into the covenant community of believers that is the church.

Songs that we'll sing together include:

"Psalm 100" 

"Christ is Risen" by Fieldes & Maher (YouTube)

"Cornerstone" by  Myrin, Morgan, Lijero, Bradbury, & Mote (YouTube)

"It is Well with My Soul" by Bliss & Spafford (YouTube)

"In Christ Alone" by Getty & Townend (YouTube)

See you Sunday!